Cloud Services

Communication  >> Productivity >> Revenue Generation

Cloud or not to Cloud?


We live in an era of the “cloud,” and while most businesses strive to operate on “cloud nine,” many are still in a state of “cloud-confusion” when it comes to implementing cloud-based services for optimal results.

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We help our clients navigate the challenges and benefit from the opportunities to improve business processes and create dynamic, collaborative work environments. From building strategy to ongoing support activities, our comprehensive services are designed to effectively manage and monitor cloud optimization.

Depending on your needs, we may recommend a private, public or hybrid cloud environment. Potential solutions may consist of any variety of products and services based upon Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Telmac offers a vendor-neutral approach that combines multi-platform expertise and industry-leading experience with the creation of aggregated delivery models. Our cloud-based services include.

    Cloud Strategy

    • Planning, development, and implementation of public, private, hybrid, and community cloud environments.
    • Selecting cloud services based on business value and integration with current systems.

    Data & Policy Management

    • Aligning policy frameworks to cloud services.
    • Establishing policies and enabling effective data management and business capabilities integration.

    Security, Privacy & Risk

    • Achieving the proper balance between control and efficiency is critical for maintaining optimal IT operations.
    • Understanding the risk management associated with technology investments.

    Contact Centers

    Modern customers expect 24/7/365 support and the ability to reach out in the manner they choose, not the manner you choose. They offer features that businesses of all sizes, not just those with call centers, can benefit from. These include the ability to:

    • Route calls based on location and availability, cutting down on wait times and putting customers in contact with the right department
    • Provide agents with immediate access to information and resources relevant to the caller
    • Advanced Analytics can record and collect data on calls, which can then be used to improve the customer experience.
    • Call back customers, letting them get back to their life rather than wait on hold
    • Survey customers in real-time to better understand their interactions with your business
    • Integrate multiple channels, including chatbots for websites and social media

    The Present & Future of CaaSS

    Enterprise IT decision-makers have ranked and placed various technology as instrumental to business growth. When it comes to migrating and innovating respective departments within organizations to the cloud, executives look for:

    >> Contextual intelligence A way to look back and see past documents and historical communications.

    >> Advanced Analytics to increase performance and for better monitoring.

    >> Artificial Intelligence to improve customer experience and drive innovation and growth.

    It’s not surprising then, that UCaaS is moving in the direction of smart technology, incorporating data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), augmented reality (AR) and connectivity with other products via IoT (internet of things).

    Some of this technology is already being employed in a limited capacity and will be fully realized in the years to come. Examples below:

    Some of this technology is already being employed in a limited capacity and will be fully realized in the years to come. Examples below:

    Data Analytics

    AI and ML are used to aggregate and analyze data to help businesses better manage, track and improve the customer journey, as well as identify internal inefficiencies and training opportunities. In this way, data helps businesses apply the same metrics-driven approach to UCaaS that they employ on websites.

    Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR)

    IVR is an automated system that interacts with callers, gathers information via a combination of voice telephone input and touch-tone keypad selections, and routes calls to the appropriate person/department.

    Voice Assistants

    Amazon has already integrated voice assistants into its Chime service, allowing users to start and end meetings via voice control. During a video conference, Alexa can be told to dial in a coworker or call up specific documents or emails related to a client.

    Augmented Reality

    The Cisco Spark Board serves as both a video conferencing platform and a digital whiteboard. It works in both the physical and virtual environments – draw on it in the meeting room and your team can see it on their devices in real-time. Whiteboards can be saved, shared and annotated.


    Mitel has partnered with Charles de Gaulle airport in France to outfit key airport functions with sensors that alert the appropriate staff when triggered. For instance, when a cabinet holding the automated external defibrillator is opened, the medical staff receives a message, or when the airport temperature exceeds a threshold, maintenance is informed.

    While many of these technologies are here now, they are in their infancy. Carriers are just starting to explore the ways in which AI, IoT, and AR can transform communication and productivity. As they continue to mature within UCaaS, they will create added value for organizations of all sizes.

    Mobile Services

    Telecom Services

    UC & Contact Center

    Network Services

    Cloud Services

    Cyber Security

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